Many of you remember reading this post back in August about one of my favorite bloggers and her husband being in a plane crash. They are still recovering and on Saturday night J. and I attended the most touching concert to benefit the family of Doug Kinneard, the flight instructor who passed away, and Christian and Stephanie. The auditorium was completely full and so many people had donated their time, as well as, goods to sell in the lobby. We scored a couple of the amazing cookies above that I can't bring myself to eat...they are just so beautiful.
It was fun to see cjane, Stephanie's sister, in real life and her husband, Christopher. He did the opening of the show with some fun questions and an explanation of where the nickname "Chup" {like soup} came from. He has a magnetic personality...but the whole family seems to.

The highlight of the evening was seeing the two little Nielson girls, Claire and Jane, singing The Beatles' song Golden Slumbers on stage. There is something so angelic about children's voices. I cried my eyes out watching those girls standing together, holding hands and singing. I knew their mom would be so proud to see them on that stage.
It was so incredible to see so many people come together for those that have touched our lives through tragedy. Somehow being there Saturday made all my anxiety about being a mom disappear....I felt inspired.