November 30, 2009

Magic Moments.

When I experience moments of quiet connection with myself or with my loved ones...I call them magic. They are the moments that don't happen all the time, so when they do, you take notice. It's usually when Harrison stops playing for a moment, climbs in my lap and touches his forehead to mine. Or when my husband and I are in the same room, doing separate things, and he looks over and smiles at me. They can take your breath away, bring tears to your eyes, or just make you smile from the inside out.

Today's magic moment was sitting in the car with Harrison outside of the baby store. I like to watch him when I give him something new to eat, so I sat in the back while he ate his alphabet cookies. He would take a tiny little bite and then offer me a soaked bite of mushy cookie. I would oblige and thank him profusely. He took such a delight in feeding me for a change. We sat back there for quite some time while the rest of the world buzzed around us. It was quite. I was totally present, memorizing every detail of his little face and gestures for my memory bank. Nothing else mattered. It was just me and him...eating cookies.


November 29, 2009

Goodbye Pumpkins...

Better Homes and Gardens Christmas 1966...I love this!

December I feel you sneaking up on me. Pumpkins have now disappeared and I suddenly see lights on trees, jolly santas and snow scenes. I love Christmas...every year it feels magical all over again. I love getting Christmas cards from friends and seeing their cute families. I love Christmas cookies and peppermint coffee drinks. I love wrapping gifts and seeing them stacked under the tree when I pass by. I love hearing this song over and over and over....

This year is going to be a different kind of Christmas than I've ever known before. Harrison's eyes sparkle when he sees blinking lights, and he's in awe of animated moving reindeer. I won't be putting out my glass jars filled with vintage ornaments, but it's going to be a wonderfully exciting holiday season.

November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Gratitude.

This Thanksgiving, I'm feeling incredibly grateful for....
  • My true blue friends that I've known for years, and can trust to be there for me implicitly {you know who you are}.

  • Having one year of motherhood down, as a stay at home mom....I've never known such hard work.

  • For my sense of humor. I was at Target this week and laughed hysterically overhearing a little old man on his phone say {imagine a New Jersey accent}, " old dog....where you been all week?"

  • The values that my husband and I share. We have had our share of struggles lately, but the core of who we are is so similar that it keeps working.

  • Footed pajamas on my son.

  • The way my house smells {smells are a huge deal and can make or break an environment for me}.

  • Last, but not health. Never take for granted the fact that you can walk, run, pick up your children or hug your spouse.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

November 24, 2009

TV Debut.

Apparently I was on the Today Show this morning hugging Stephanie Nielson. It's strange sitting in your PJ's watching TV only to see yourself on the screen {I'm on around minute 1:10}.

Stephanie continues to inspire me and makes me want to be a better mom. It is incredible what she has overcome in the past year, and it's a blessing that she is able to celebrate with her family this Thanksgiving.

She makes my "hard" days look like a piece of cake.

November 23, 2009


I think I'm finally recovered form Harrison's first birthday.

To see details go here.

November 18, 2009

Cuddle Bug.

This week I'm enjoying cuddling with a one year old in footie pajamas.

Party pictures coming soon...

November 13, 2009

On a Friday...

Last year on a Friday, within a day of today, I learned the pain of bringing life into the world. I learned the amazing strength God gives to women in pain and the emotional ride of being in labor. I remember not believing he was mine when they gave him to me {I was sure he'd have brown hair...not blonde}. I've never felt so amazing after it was all done. I felt like Superwoman.

I wish I could go back and do it all over again in slow motion, so that I could really take it all in.

Happy Friday the 13th.

November 12, 2009

Man Shops Globe.

In between getting Harrison's birthday party together {wait for's going to be so darn cute!} I'm currently obsessed with the show Man Shops Globe . It is on the Sundance channel, but the episodes can also be found On Demand if you have Cox. He is the buyer at large for Anthropologie and each episode he travels to a new destination to find unique items for the store. Being that the store is one of my favs and he's traveling to places like Paris, Holland, London, and India...this show is Amazing! You get to see where a lot of the items in the store come from and where they get their ideas for products.

He seriously might have the coolest job...

November 9, 2009

Almost a Year...

In less than a week, my little Harrison will turn 1 years old. I'm feeling so many emotions about it. Since I found out I was pregnant, I've been on such an incredible journey...

First, they told me that my baby might have Down Syndrome. I did what anybody could do in that situation, I prayed and dug down deep for acceptance of God's plan for J. and myself. An ultrasound revealed a perfectly healthy baby, but they still only gave me a 1 in 50 odds {originally it was 1 in 19}. I trusted my intuition that this was a healthy baby and let my fear go the remainder of my pregnancy.

Then I got gestational diabetes and had to completely change my eating. The last two months of my pregnancy were a struggle because my diet was so restricted and had to track my blood sugar constantly. It ended up being a blessing in disguise....I learned so much in that time.

During my labor, his heart rate started dropping and they were getting a little concerned. They wanted me to deliver ASAP to alleviate any complications. I ended up pushing for a hour and half {I've never been that exhausted in my entire life}. When he finally arrived and they placed him on my stomach, he was blue and not crying. I was nervous. He never cried. I was terrified. We never did hear that first cry that people refer to as a "relief" that everything is OK. Luckily he came to in his own little way and we had a healthy baby.

I had terrible postpartum and really didn't enjoy the first 2 weeks of his life. I always feel sad about that, but am so grateful that I got help when I did. My husband was a saint during those dark days...never judging, helping immensely and loving me unconditionally. I struggled personally with not being able to breastfeed on the medication, and worried about how it would affect him physically. If I only knew then what I know now....that it doesn't really matter.

I now have this amazing little boy who captures the heart of everyone he meets. He not only didn't have Down Syndrome, but God graced him with winning the genetic lottery {I can say this because I had nothing to do with it}. He is a child of God and I was just chosen to care for him. I feel so lucky and honored to be his mom. He has illuminated parts of me where I didn't even know light could go.

It's a challenge and a miracle all wrapped up in one sweet smelling, soft haired, rosy cheeked, physically active, giggling package.

I am Blessed.

November 7, 2009


I've been a long time reader of Stephanie Nielson's blog, and consider her one of my personal heroes. You can only imagine my delight when last night I had the honor of meeting her and Christian. Here are my take aways from our encounter....

  • She hugs everyone...and I mean really hugs.

  • Her eyes are the most beautiful color and some of the prettiest I've ever seen.

  • She is incredibly down to earth and genuine {telling us about future shows they'll be on, giving us the scoop on Oprah, yet hanging out in downtown Mesa}.

  • We had to put sanitizer on our hands before meeting them.

  • She is calm and graceful.
  • She has a great sense of style {she wore one of my personal favorites...a dress over jeans}.

  • When receiving compliments, she listens and really takes them in, then thanks the giver.

  • Her inner beauty is so radiant and powerful that it overshadows any scar she has.

She is such an inspiration.

It was a highlight of my 2009 to meet her....

November 6, 2009


I haven't done this in a while and, being that it is November and the month of Thanksgiving, I suppose it's time for a reminder of what makes me smile....

  1. My son's love of music....any melody makes him dance and move.

  2. That everyone under this roof is finally better after we all took turns being sick.

  3. Going here with two of my favorite people tonight {without husband or baby!}.

  4. A big backyard with lots of green grass.

  5. Christmas music playing in stores....this year I get to experience the holiday through a 1 year old's eyes.

Happy Weekend.

November 1, 2009

James Dean.

This James Dean is even cuter than the real one {if that's even possible}. Despite feeling a little under the weather, in typical Harrison fashion, he rocked his outfit and made the girls on the street swoon over his cuteness.

I already can't wait for next Halloween...