This Thanksgiving, I'm feeling incredibly grateful for....
- My true blue friends that I've known for years, and can trust to be there for me implicitly {you know who you are}.
- Having one year of motherhood down, as a stay at home mom....I've never known such hard work.
- For my sense of humor. I was at Target this week and laughed hysterically overhearing a little old man on his phone say {imagine a New Jersey accent}, " old dog....where you been all week?"
- The values that my husband and I share. We have had our share of struggles lately, but the core of who we are is so similar that it keeps working.
- Footed pajamas on my son.
- The way my house smells {smells are a huge deal and can make or break an environment for me}.
- Last, but not health. Never take for granted the fact that you can walk, run, pick up your children or hug your spouse.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.