I've always been a fan of the song Wonderwall by Oasis, but when I was pregnant something unusual happened. I heard the song all. the. time....pretty much since conception. Mind you, this song came out in 1995, so it's not like it's a big hit in 2008. I literally heard this song everywhere...in the car, randomly in the grocery store, out to dinner where people were doing karaoke, on vacation, etc. I started to realize that there might be some message for me in hearing this song all the time. The lyrics that struck me from the beginning were..."because maybe, you're going to be the one to save me". I thought that this baby was going to teach me something and "save me" in some way.
Then I got gestational diabetes and was forced to eat right and cut out all sugar. Sugar has been my vice for years...my comfort, my unhealthy escape, etc. etc. I could never kick it, even after my dr. told me that I needed to take better care of my health. I come from a lineage of heart disease and issues that make taking care of your health imperative. Having to make the sacrifice for my unborn child was the push I needed to make the change. I felt so healthy in my last trimester and even lost weight!
When Harrison was born, the nurses came to me after and said, "we just have to show you something very unique...your placenta was in the shape of a heart." I took that as my sign that my pregnancy was the catalyst to a whole new healthy lifestyle and that maybe he was the one to save me.
Now, I play and sing this song to Harrison daily...