You know when you find a new blog, and you find yourself losing a whole day reading it? This has recently happened to me with boho girl. I stumbled upon it by reading another blog I love and seeing their family photos.
Upon further reading, I learned that this couple recently adopted this beautiful little boy after struggling with fertility for 4 years. The emotional journal entries regarding the process and the relationship with the birth mother left me in tears. Having just birthed a child myself 3 months ago, I have nothing but respect and amazement for this mother to do what she knew was best for her son. The first entry on the subject starts here under October 16 {for some reason I can't click on the exact date and post it}.
The story unravels from there and this beautiful boho family is born on November 22, 2008 when their baby, Cedar, entered the world. I cried when I read that the birth mother {who is referred to as K} had just given birth and tells boho girl "you're a mommy....go to your son".
What a heroic act of love. That is one lucky baby....not to mention completely adorable.