September 29, 2009

What I Dream About...

My sweet friend Marissa, who lives in New England, sent me this amazing photo. It's a charming New England house with a big American flag hanging out front. It would make me so happy to be able to dress for Fall and to pull into this house at the end of the day.

I love to look at houses and make up stories about who lives there, and wonder what I'd be like if I lived there. I like the story for this house...

{I'm tired of Summer. Today it was 106 degrees. I'm longing for pumpkin pie, the smell of fire wood, using my crock pot and wearing cardigans.}

September 27, 2009


Balance is a tricky thing these days. I find that when I'm out of it though, everything feels crazy. I always need "recharge" time and I usually take it late at night while everyone is asleep. Unfortunately babies don't like to sleep in, so that means I usually don't get adequate sleep. This carries into being tired the next day, and crossing my heart that I'm going to bed early, only to be lured into the peacefulness of night all over again.

J. took Harrison to a baseball game this afternoon and I find myself in a quiet house with Robinella & The CC String band playing on the stereo.

I haven't had the house to myself in's heaven.

September 25, 2009

Simple Truth.

I like this quote.

I've been trying to work on this lately in my life. I always like myself better when I accomplish the first option...especially now that I'm somebody's mother. I always have such high regard for people who are successful at conveying strength while remaining calm.

It has so much more power...

September 15, 2009

Shabby Chic... back!

I received a call yesterday and an email today letting me know that the original Santa Monica store has reopened, as will the one in NYC.

I can't tell you how happy this makes me.

Shabby Chic is my design anchor.

September 14, 2009


I use movies like medicine. After every break up from high school into college, I religiously watched When Harry Met Sally. Something about the dialogue and humor surrounding a love story, kept me hopeful and alive in the midst of pain. When I was in labor with Harrison, there was a dvd in the room, so we watched The Holiday until I received my epidural. Listening to the sweet and funny tone of this movie, calmed me enough to hold out to 3 centimeters {I'm a wimp}. This weekend The Holiday was on TV and as I watched it, the same calm feelings came back to me. This is probably going to be my labor and delivery movie.

Here is one of my favorite scenes from the it if you have 8 1/2 minutes to kill. I love around 6:09 mins {what I wouldn't give for a little girl with an English accent!}...

If you haven't yet seen this movie, watch will make you happy. My only complaint is that I wish Jude Law was like this in real life.

September 11, 2009


This week I'm feeling so grateful for...

  1. Feeling healthy inside and out.

  2. Getting to spend my days playing with a 10 month old.

  3. Setting the timer on the coffee maker, so that when I wake up, a hot pot of heaven is waiting for me.

  4. Infant Tylenol {there is a new tooth on the horizon for Mr. H}.

  5. That today is peaceful and we can respectfully remember 8 years ago.

Happy Weekend.

September 9, 2009 now Seven.

Remember way back when, I wrote about Sixx Design? My last sentence was something to the effect of "I'd love to be inside their world for a day". My wish was granted as I just read something that has my heart racing.

Come January, they have their own reality show on Bravo! I'll just add this to my already crazy Bravo TV show obsession....I can't get enough. I'm so excited to see this family in action. Since I mentioned them last February, they have added a seventh child to the mix. I'm in awe.

Go to their website under blogs and scroll to the very last one, and there sits a link to my funny little blog. I feel like the cool kids asked me to sit at their lunch table.

September 6, 2009

Goodbye Summer....

Labor day typically signals the end of Summer. I always feel like the arrival of Fall here, is like Spring in cold climates. There is finally a break to horrendous weather, everything feels lighter and everyone smiles again. I feel like making fresh starts, purging old things and baking banana bread. I start to feel hopeful and happy again...

Goodbye Summer. I won't miss you.

Happy Labor Day.

September 1, 2009


Dean and Deluca in of my absolute favorite places.

Today marks the beginning of September, and soon an end to living in a burning oven. September makes me think of apples and pumpkins. This is when I really wish that I lived somewhere cold and could visit apple orchards, spell crisp morning air and sip hot coffee at Noon.

Realizing that today brings us one step closer to cold weather...makes me giddy.