December 6, 2009

I ♥ December.

This weekend was spent doing Christmas activities. We went to a x-mas party, where there was a light parade. We ate cookies and sipped hot chocolate. It was really cold out {45 degrees} and it was fun to finally feel Winter here in the desert. We only listened to x-mas music and even turned the heat on for a little while.

Today we bought our tree. I never thought I'd do it, but we decided that it made more sense to buy an artificial tree this year. We just couldn't imagine life with a one year old tipping the tree over or spilling water all over the wood floors. I could just see him picking up the fallen needles and putting them in his mouth. It came down to convenience.

Luckily we spent money on getting a good one, so now I just have to buy this and I can pretend it's real.

Happy December....this is my favorite month of the year.