My dream guy {besides J.} is Carter Oosterhouse from hgtv. He seems so sweet, he's an expert carpenter, I picture him smelling like soap and he has an English Bulldog for a pet....dream.
This weekend, J. was on my case about cleaning up the kitchen counter {one of our ongoing bicker sessions} and I walked into the room while Carter's show was on and thought, "I bet Carter would never yell about the kitchen counter..."
The next day while we were watching Design Star, Carter made a guest appearance, and I told J. of my thought the day before. He just said, "that's ok...sometimes I wish I was married to Kate Hudson. She is so happy and adventurous."
It's amazing how our dream people are the exact opposite of what we have. I guess the grass is always greener. If I was married to someone like Carter, I'd dream of someone who wore a suit everyday to work, and J. would be dreaming of a straight arrow who liked being home.