June 18, 2008

Remembering What's Important...

J. came home last week and told me that a local guy, who owned a very prestigious real estate investment firm, and whom J. met on a few occasions, had killed himself. He left behind a wife and three children. Apparently, the market here in Phoenix has become so terrible, and he owed so much money to so many people, that he didn't see any other way out. It has been on my mind since I heard, and it's really put things into perspective. The things this tragedy has made me remember...

  • Nothing is so terrible that it's worth your own life.
  • Family and friends, that love you no matter what, are invaluable when the chips are down.
  • Sometimes the simple life is a much happier life in the long run.
  • It's OK to fail.

  • When money is on the upswing, always put some aside for the downpour.

  • Hold on tight to your core values, never letting your ego or money get in the way.

I pray for his family and hope that he is resting in peace. To read the full story go here.