I love china...especially vintage, antique, beautiful china. I have been collecting various pieces for a few years, and as you can see above, have a pretty decent collection built up. I love teacups, gravy boats, platters and cream and sugar sets. I also adore mixing old and new, patterns and types of china in a setting.
For our wedding, I registered for this adorable Kate Spade china in "June Lane" named after Kate's mom. It's great because it mixes well with the vintage china and I love the dragonfly motif. One of the best surprises is that under the teacup, on the saucer, is a little ladybug...I get happy every time I see it.
Lately, I've been perusing Martha Stewarts new line of china and sort of wish I could register again for this amazing pattern...it looks old and French. I think integrating a place setting of this china would be a perfect addition to my vintage collection.